

Learning XXS, XXE, deserialization any different bug class. It's what we often think about when talking about being a better hacker. However, there's a whole bunch of non-security related skills that may yield you even better return on invested time. I call them...

CI/CD Pipeline threat matrix

As we see from Dependency Confusion or “CI Knew There Would Be Bugs Here” — Exploring Continuous Integration Services as a Bug Bounty Hunter, CI/CD security is at least as important as the security of the application itself. At my last job, I was learning about these...

HTTP/2 Request smuggling labs

Portswigger released the long-awaited WebSec academy labs about HTTP/2 request smuggling. I haven't yet done them but surely I will do. Did you try them already? If yes, let me know what was the hardest part for you. Maybe it's worth making a video about it🤔...

Turbo Intruder observedWords

If during the passive scan you mark learn observed words setting, you will have the observedWords wordlist available to you in the Turbo Intruder. It's a dynamic list of words that Burp sees in your target. You can access it by wordlists.observedWords....

Speed-up your dorking

Installing the binary git clone https://github.com/tomnomnom/hacks cd webpaste go build Installing the extension Chrome > 3 dots > More tools > Extensions Enable Developer Mode Click Load unpacked and mark the extension folder which is inside the webpaste...

Million from bug bounty in 4 Years

Ozgur Alp lately passed $1 mln earned from bounties. That's a huge achievement. Thankfully for us, he decided to write a blogpost with a few tips about how to follow in his footsteps. I do encourage you to read the whole article but here are my most important...