
JustCatTheFish CTF writeups

I’m getting messages asking about some CTF writeups as I’m playing them quite regularly. I will make some video writeups but only once in a while. Other ones I and other JCTF players will do (sometimes we have to due to a good finishing position) will be published on...

How to make notes about a target? +my Notion template

When I was a pentester, I didn’t feel the need to make exhaustive notes about my targets. Usually, projects started on Monday and ended on Friday so everything I needed was either in my head or easily findable in Burp history. However, I could definitely benefit from...

How much money I made in my first year of bug bounty?

In bug bounty, we lack transparency yet I think it can hugely benefit many people. It surely would benefit me if I saw transparent people at the beginning of my career. I decided to be transparent myself and I made a video about how my first year after quitting...