
Safely detect Server-side prototype pollution

Server-side prototype pollution often results in an RCE. However, it is very prone to DoSing the app while trying to confirm or exploit it and DoSing the app isn’t what we want to do when hunting on bug bounty programs. But Gareth Heyes made some research and found a...

Triage from the other side – improve your reporting

What’s the most important part of a racecar? Things you probably think of are the engine, aero, chassis, brakes… But did you think about tires? Tires are the single thing sticking a racecar to the track and if you have bad tires then it doesn’t matter how great your...

Learning a new challenging concept

Learning a new challenging concept can be daunting, but with the right mindset and approach, you can tackle and master any skill. I’m a learning junkie and in this article, I’ll explore practical steps and strategies that I’ve used over the years to make it easier....